Axel Paris - Research Scientist

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Bio: I am a Research Scientist at Adobe Research located in Paris. Before that, I defended my PhD in Computer Graphics from the Université de Lyon in 2023. My research focuses on environment modeling, physical simulations, and implicit surfaces. See my publications for more information.

Internships: I am regularly looking for new interns to join me at Adobe Research for a 6 months internship. Applications can come from Master students or PhD candidates. If you're interested, you can send me an email with your resume, and (optionally) the subject you'd like to work on.



Lipschitz Pruning: Hierarchical Simplification of Primitive-Based SDFs Lipschitz Pruning: Hierarchical Simplification of Primitive-Based SDFs
Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics 2025)
W. Barbier*, M. Sanchez*, A. Paris, E. Michel, T. Lambert,
T. Boubekeur, M. Paulin, T. Thonat

Paper (soon) Paper Suppl. (soon) Editor Link (soon) Video (soon)


Direct Manipulation of Procedural Implicit Surfaces Direct Manipulation of Procedural Implicit Surfaces
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Siggraph Asia 2024)
🏆 Best paper Honorable Mention
M. Riso, E. Michel, A. Paris, V. Deschaintre, M. Gaillard, F. Pellacini
Paper Paper Suppl. Editor Link Video

The environmental impact of CG The Environmental Impact of Computer Graphics
Siggraph 2024 - Bird of a Feather
A. Paris, E. Michel, O. Crespel
Slides Feedback Program Entry

Multiscale erosion Terrain Amplification using Multi-scale Erosion
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Siggraph 2024)
H. Schott, E. Galin, E. Guérin, A. Peytavie, A. Paris
Paper Editor Link Video Code Shadertoy


Meandering rivers Authoring and simulating meandering rivers
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Siggraph Asia 2023)
A. Paris, E. Guérin, P. Collon, E. Galin
Paper Editor Link Video Code Slides

Phd thesis Modeling and simulating virtual terrains
PhD Thesis
🏆 Accessit au Prix de thùse GDR-IGRV
A. Paris
PDF Slides Defense (in french)

Uplift paper Large-scale terrain authoring through interactive erosion simulation
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Siggraph 2023)
H. Schott, A. Paris, L. Fournier, E. Guérin, E. Galin
Paper Editor Link Video Code


Karst synthesis Synthesizing Geologically Coherent Cave Networks
Computer Graphics Forum (Pacific Graphics 2021)
A. Paris, E. Guérin, A. Peytavie, P. Collon, E. Galin
Paper Editor Link Video Code Slides Talk


Glacier Simulation Simulation, Modeling and Authoring of Glaciers
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Siggraph Asia 2020)
O. Argudo, E. Galin, A. Peytavie, A. Paris, E. Guérin
Paper Editor Link Video Code

Block Fracturing Modeling Rocky Scenery using Implicit Blocks
The Visual Computer (Computer Graphics International 2020)
🏆Best paper Award
A. Paris, A. Peytavie, E. Guérin, J.M. Dischler, E. Galin
Paper Editor Link Video Code Talk

Segment Tracing Segment Tracing Using Local Lipschitz Constants
Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics 2020)
E. Galin, E. Guérin, A. Paris, A. Peytavie
Paper Editor Link Video Code Talk Shadertoy


Islands Terrain Amplification using Implicit 3D Features
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Siggraph Asia 2019)
A. Paris, E. Galin, A. Peytavie, E. Guérin, J. Gain
Paper Editor Link Video Supplementary Video Slides Code

Orometry Orometry-based Terrain Analysis and Synthesis
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Siggraph Asia 2019)
O. Argudo, E. Galin, A. Peytavie, A. Paris, J. Gain, E. Guérin
Paper Editor Link Supplementary Material Video Code

Sea Desertscape Simulation
Computer Graphics Forum 2019 (Pacific Graphics 2019)
A. Paris, A. Peytavie, E. Guérin, O. Argudo, E. Galin
Paper Editor Link Video Code Slides


Sea Terrain Amplification using Implicit 3D Features
JFIG 2018
🏆2nd Best paper Award
A. Paris, E. Galin, A. Peytavie, E. Guérin, J. Gain
PDF Slides Code